SuperOffice CRM Review

SuperOffice CRM is a cloud-based software with powerful tools for managing customer relationships, sales, and marketing activities. Here are some key features that make SuperOffice CRM stand out among the competition:

  • User-Friendly: SuperOffice CRM is easy to use and customize, making it ideal for businesses of all sizes and industries.
  • Comprehensive: SuperOffice CRM offers many features, including contact management, email marketing, project management, and customer service.
  • Integration: SuperOffice CRM integrates with popular third-party tools, such as Office 365, G Suite, and Zapier, allowing users to streamline their workflows and data management.
  • Mobile App: SuperOffice CRM offers a mobile app for IOS and Android devices, giving users access to their data on the go.

SuperOffice CRM is a robust and reliable software that can help businesses streamline customer relationship management and boost their sales and marketing efforts.

Pro Tip: Invest some time upfront to customize your SuperOffice CRM account based on your business’s needs. It will ensure the software performs optimally and saves you time and effort in the long run.

Overview of SuperOffice CRM

SuperOffice CRM is a powerful, integrated marketing automation solution built for small and medium businesses. It can help you streamline customer data management and deliver targeted messages to your audience. By understanding SuperOffice CRM’s features, you can better determine if it can provide the necessary solutions. But first, let’s take a closer look at the product.

What is SuperOffice CRM?

SuperOffice CRM is a cloud-based customer relationship management (CRM) software designed to help businesses manage and automate their sales, marketing, and customer service activities in one place.

SuperOffice CRM is a complete solution that enables businesses to improve customer relationships by streamlining communication, automating tasks, and delivering more personalized experiences.

Features of SuperOffice CRM include:

  • Sales automation: Track leads, manage deals, and automate sales processes.
  • Marketing automation: Build targeted campaigns, automate email marketing, and generate leads.
  • Customer service: Manage customer inquiries, tickets, and cases through a centralized interface.
  • Contact management: Maintain a complete record of customer interactions and track interactions with leads and customers across channels.

SuperOffice CRM is a comprehensive platform that can help businesses improve customer relationships and drive growth.

History of SuperOffice CRM

SuperOffice CRM is a cloud-based customer relationship management (CRM) software designed to streamline sales and marketing efforts. Une Amundsen founded the company in 1989 in Norway and started with just four employees.

SuperOffice CRM has come a long way since its inception and is now used by over 6,000 companies in Europe. It has also won multiple awards for its innovative approach to helping businesses improve customer relationships.

SuperOffice CRM offers a range of features, such as contact management, sales automation, marketing automation, and customer service management. With an intuitive interface and easy-to-use tools, businesses can streamline their sales and marketing efforts and focus on building strong relationships with their customers.

SuperOffice CRM has a dedicated customer support team ready to help users with any questions or issues they may experience with the software.

SuperOffice CRM has positioned itself as a leader in the CRM software space, serving small and large businesses alike. It continues to evolve as a customer-focused and innovative solution in the market.

Key features of SuperOffice CRM

SuperOffice CRM offers comprehensive features to help businesses improve customer relationships and streamline sales processes. Here are some key features of SuperOffice CRM:

  1. Contact Management – SuperOffice CRM enables businesses to manage their contacts efficiently, allowing them to organize and prioritize interactions with customers and prospects.
  2. Sales Automation – The sales automation tool provides a clear overview of the sales pipeline, ensuring no potential customer is missed and allowing users to manage follow-up activities efficiently.
  3. Marketing Automation – This feature helps organizations to create and execute personalized marketing campaigns.
  4. Project Management – SuperOffice CRM has a built-in project management tool that allows businesses to manage projects easily.
  5. Customer Service – SuperOffice CRM integrates with other tools and platforms to enable customer support through various channels.

With these features, SuperOffice CRM is a reliable platform for successful customer relationships and sales management.

SuperOffice CRM pricing plans and packages

SuperOffice CRM has various pricing plans and packages to suit different businesses. It’s important to understand the differences between the various plans to decide which option is best for your company.

Let’s look at the details of SuperOffice CRM pricing plans and packages.

SuperOffice CRM pricing

SuperOffice CRM offers three pricing plans to fit the needs of any business: Small, Medium, and Enterprise.

The Small plan is ideal for up to 5 users and includes essential CRM features such as contact management, email marketing, and document management.

The Medium plan includes all core CRM and advanced features such as project management and analytics. This plan is ideal for teams of up to 50 users.

The Enterprise plan is best suited for larger organizations that require more customization, with features such as custom integrations, workflows, and role-based access control.

SuperOffice CRM is a versatile and reliable CRM software that can help streamline and automate your business operations.

In addition, by allowing businesses to choose the pricing plan that best fits their needs, SuperOffice CRM makes enterprise-level CRM accessible for small to medium-sized businesses as well.

Package comparison

When choosing the perfect CRM software, comparing pricing plans and packages is crucial to ensure you get the best value for your investment.

SuperOffice CRM offers three pricing plans, each with its unique features and capabilities:

  1. Small: The Small plan is perfect for small businesses and teams with limited resources. It offers contact management, email marketing, and basic reporting capabilities.
  2. Business: The Business plan is ideal for growing businesses and teams that require more advanced features, such as pipeline management, marketing automation, and customer service tools.
  3. Enterprise: The Enterprise plan is designed for large businesses and teams that require sophisticated features such as analytics and advanced customization options.

When choosing a package, it’s essential to consider factors such as your team’s size, budget, and business needs to make the right decision.

SuperOffice CRM’s pricing plans and packages are scalable and flexible, making it easy for businesses to upgrade and downgrade as needed.

Additional costs

When considering SuperOffice CRM, it is essential to remember that additional costs are associated with the software beyond the initial pricing plans and packages advertised on the website.

These additional costs include:

  1. Implementation and customization fees: SuperOffice CRM requires setup and customization, which can be finalized by a consultant or your in-house team, resulting in additional costs.
  2. Training and Support fees: To get the most out of the software, you should plan for training and support forces required for internal users of SuperOffice CRM.
  3. Maintenance and Upgrades fees: You may need to upgrade or maintain your SuperOffice CRM version, resulting in additional fees.

Pro Tip: Considering these additional costs before selecting a pricing plan to maximize your SuperOffice CRM investment is essential. Always review all additional costs with your software consultant or SuperOffice team to ensure you understand what is included in the plan and other available services.

SuperOffice CRM usability and user experience

SuperOffice CRM has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to use, even for those who may not be tech-savvy. It also has a range of features and integrations, making it a great choice for businesses of any size.

In this section, we’ll look at the usability and user experience of SuperOffice CRM in more detail.


The interface is one of the most important aspects of any CRM, as it directly affects the usability and user experience.

The interface of SuperOffice CRM is designed to be clean, simple, and intuitive, making it easy for users to navigate and find the information they need.

Here are some of the key features of the SuperOffice CRM interface:

  1. Dashboard: The dashboard provides an overview of all your customer interactions, tasks, and appointments in one place.
  2. Navigation bar: The navigation bar offers quick access to all the important features of the CRM, such as contacts, companies, and activities.
  3. Search bar: The search bar helps you find specific contacts or information quickly and easily.
  4. Customization: The interface can be customized to suit your needs, with the ability to add or remove features as needed.

Overall, the SuperOffice CRM interface is user-friendly and well-designed, offering a streamlined user experience that helps you get more done quickly.


Navigation is a crucial aspect of any software, and SuperOffice CRM excels in providing users with an intuitive and user-friendly experience.

The software’s navigation is designed to help users easily access the features and functionalities they need, making it a powerful tool for managing customer relationships.

The main navigation menu is displayed at the top of the screen, including options such as Contacts, Activities, Projects, and Sales.

Users can also use the search bar to find specific records or information quickly. The interface is designed so that the most frequently used features are easily accessible, while other functions are hidden within the menus.

It eliminates the clutter and keeps the screen clean, making it easier to navigate.

The navigation is responsive and adapts to different screen sizes and mobile devices, enhancing the software’s usability. In conclusion, the navigation of SuperOffice CRM is user-friendly, streamlined, and optimized for efficiency, providing a great user experience.


One of the main advantages of using SuperOffice CRM is its high level of customizability, which enables users to tailor its features and functions to their specific needs and preferences.

Some of the customizable elements of SuperOffice CRM include:

  1. Dashboards: Users can create and customize dashboards to display key metrics and KPIs in real-time, providing a clear and concise overview of their business performance.
  2. Reports: Users can create and customize reports based on their specific data needs, choosing from various data sources, filters, and visualizations to gain valuable insights into their business operations.
  3. Workflows: Users can automate and customize workflows to streamline their business processes and ensure consistent and efficient execution of tasks.

With its high degree of customizability, SuperOffice CRM delivers a user-friendly and intuitive experience that meets the unique needs of businesses across all industries.

Pro tip: Take advantage of SuperOffice CRM’s customization options to optimize your workflow and maximize productivity.

SuperOffice CRM integrations and API

SuperOffice CRM is a powerful customer relationship management software that makes managing customer data, taking actions, and automating tasks easy. An important element of SuperOffice CRM is its integrations and API, which allow for integration with other software and systems.

In this article, we’ll look at these integrations and APIs, their features, and how you can use them to gain the most out of SuperOffice CRM.

Integration options

SuperOffice CRM offers a range of integration options that allow users to connect their CRM with other business tools, streamlining processes and increasing efficiency.

Native Integrations: SuperOffice offers several native integrations, including Microsoft Office 365, Intelliplan, and Zapier. These integrations allow users to seamlessly transfer data and automate workflows between SuperOffice and other tools.

API: SuperOffice’s API offers high flexibility and customization, enabling developers to integrate the CRM with their systems and applications.

Integrations Marketplace: SuperOffice’s Integrations Marketplace offers pre-built integrations with a wide range of tools, including popular options like HubSpot, Mailchimp, and Google Analytics.

Whether you’re looking to automate processes, streamline workflows, or gain more insights into your business, SuperOffice’s integration options provide various solutions to help your business thrive.


The SuperOffice CRM offers an API that allows businesses to integrate third-party tools and automate processes, streamlining workflows and improving efficiency.

The API enables users to perform various actions, including adding and updating contact information, managing calendars and tasks, and generating reports. This integration is useful for businesses that wish to leverage the full functionality of third-party tools, such as marketing automation software while utilizing the SuperOffice CRM.

Users can also develop custom apps and tools using the API, leveraging the extensive customer data stored in SuperOffice CRM to improve marketing campaigns and increase sales.

In addition, the SuperOffice CRM API is well-documented and easy to use, making it a key asset for businesses looking to streamline their workflows and improve their bottom line.

With the SuperOffice CRM API, businesses have greater control over their data and can customize their workflows according to their unique business needs.

Third-party software integrations

SuperOffice CRM’s third-party software integrations allow seamless data transfer and enhanced functionality. In addition, with over 500 app integrations, users can customize their SuperOffice CRM experience to meet their specific needs.

Here are some of the benefits of using SuperOffice CRM’s third-party software integrations:

  1. Streamlined workflow: Integrations such as email marketing tools, lead generation platforms, and social media management apps, to name a few, can be easily linked with SuperOffice CRM to enable users to manage their leads and customers effectively.
  2. Ensured data accuracy: With the API option, data transfer between third-party platforms and SuperOffice CRM is automated and secure, minimizing the chances of human error and ensuring data accuracy.
  3. Customized functionality: SuperOffice CRM’s open API allows developers to create custom integrations that suit business requirements.

In conclusion, SuperOffice CRM’s integration options, including its API, increase efficiency, streamline workflow and provide customized functionality to help businesses easily manage customer interactions.

SuperOffice CRM customer support and resources

Regarding customer support and resources, SuperOffice CRM offers one of the best. The customer support team will help with any questions and guide you through the setup process.

They also provide tutorials, FAQs, and an online community forum to help you get your desired answers.

Look at what you can expect from SuperOffice CRM customer support and resources.

Customer support channels

SuperOffice CRM offers multiple customer support channels to ensure the timely and effective resolution of any issues or questions that you may have.

Here are the customer support channels provided by SuperOffice CRM:

  • Phone support: You can call the SuperOffice CRM support team for immediate assistance from a qualified customer support representative.
  • Email support: You can also email the SuperOffice CRM support team and expect a prompt response within 24-48 hours.
  • Live chat support: SuperOffice CRM also offers live chat support on their website, where you can chat with a customer support representative in real time.
  • Knowledge base: SuperOffice CRM has a comprehensive knowledge base that contains articles, videos, and tutorials to help you use the software effectively.
  • Community support: SuperOffice CRM has an active user community where you can ask questions, get advice, and share tips and best practices.

With such a wide variety of customer support channels, SuperOffice CRM ensures that all its users can access the help and resources they need to succeed.

Documentation and resources

SuperOffice CRM offers comprehensive documentation and resources to help customers make the most out of the software.

Here are some of the resources available:

  1. User Guides: SuperOffice CRM provides user guides covering various software aspects- essential to advanced features. This documentation helps users understand the software’s functionality, ensuring they use it fully.
  2. Technical Support: SuperOffice CRM offers customer support to assist clients with any issues and has a proactive approach to resolving issues that may come up. Support can be accessed via phone or email.
  3. Webinars: SuperOffice CRM hosts regular webinars on the software’s functionality, providing customers with valuable insights and tips for getting the most out of the features.
  4. Online Communities: Customers can be part of a vibrant online SuperOffice CRM community dedicated to users sharing knowledge and resources and helping each other solve problems.

By making a wide variety of resources available, SuperOffice CRM ensures that its customers can effectively utilize the software to get greater efficiency gains from investments, translate performance metrics into value, and drive brand growth.

Training and onboarding options

SuperOffice CRM provides multiple training and onboarding options to help new users quickly learn the ropes and get the most out of the platform’s features. Here are some of the available options:

  • Video Tutorials: SuperOffice CRM offers an extensive library of video tutorials covering various features and functionalities of the platform.
  • Live Webinars: The platform hosts live webinars for new users to understand CRM better.
  • Knowledge Base: SuperOffice CRM’s knowledge base answers common questions, step-by-step guides, and best practices to help users make the most of the platform.
  • On-site Training: SuperOffice CRM offers on-site training for users who require personalized, hands-on assistance using the platform.
  • Quick Start Guides: The platform offers quick start guides that provide easy-to-follow instructions on how to set up and use SuperOffice CRM.

With SuperOffice CRM’s wealth of training and onboarding options, users can quickly become proficient with the platform and maximize their productivity.

SuperOffice CRM pros and cons

SuperOffice CRM is a popular customer relationship management (CRM) system that can help you track customer interactions, store customer data, and manage your sales processes.

But, like all CRM systems, there are both advantages and disadvantages that come with it. This article will provide an in-depth review of the SuperOffice CRM system, outlining its pros and cons.

Pros of SuperOffice CRM

SuperOffice CRM is a powerful tool for managing your business’ customer interactions and improving productivity.

Here are some of the pros of using SuperOffice CRM:

  1. User-Friendly Interface: With a clean and intuitive interface, SuperOffice CRM makes it easy for users to create custom dashboards, track customer interactions, and manage sales workflows.
  2. All-in-One Solution: SuperOffice CRM offers a complete suite of tools for managing customer interactions, from contact management to lead generation to reporting and analysis.
  3. Mobile Access: With mobile apps for iOS and Android devices, SuperOffice CRM allows users to access their data and update customer information on the go.
  4. Customer Support: SuperOffice CRM offers excellent customer support, with a comprehensive knowledge base, online chat, and phone support available to users.

Cons: As with any software, SuperOffice CRM also has some cons. Some users find it a bit expensive compared to other CRMs. Additionally, some users report that customer service can be slow to respond to support requests.

Cons of SuperOffice CRM

SuperOffice CRM is a powerful tool for managing customer relationships, but there are some cons that potential users should be aware of.

Cons of SuperOffice CRM include:

  • Steep Learning Curve: SuperOffice CRM is a complex platform that requires a certain level of technical expertise to use effectively. The time taken to get familiar with the platform can be a significant challenge for users who are new to CRM systems.
  • Lack of Flexibility: SuperOffice CRM is a powerful tool with a wide range of functionality, but it is not as customizable as other CRM platforms. Users who need more flexibility and customization might struggle with the limited options available in SuperOffice.
  • Cost: SuperOffice CRM is not budget-friendly, and the cost can be a major hurdle for small businesses, start-ups, and entrepreneurs looking to streamline their business operations.

Despite the abovementioned cons, SuperOffice CRM has multiple pros, such as full integration with Microsoft Office, good email marketing capabilities, and the ability to personalize the customer experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is SuperOffice CRM?

SuperOffice CRM is a customer relationship management system that helps businesses manage and organize customer information, sales leads, and interactions to improve customer engagement and grow their business.

2. What are the key features of SuperOffice CRM?

The key features of SuperOffice CRM include contact management, sales management, marketing automation, customer service management, project management, analytics and reporting, and mobile app access.

3. How does SuperOffice CRM benefit businesses?

SuperOffice CRM benefits businesses by enabling them to centralize customer data and interactions, improve communication and collaboration across teams, streamline sales processes, automate marketing activities, enhance customer service, and gain insights through analytics and reporting.

4. What industries is SuperOffice CRM suitable for?

SuperOffice CRM suits various industries, including retail, manufacturing, distribution, professional services, healthcare, financial services, and more.

5. How does SuperOffice CRM compare to other CRM systems?

SuperOffice CRM stands out from other CRM systems’ ease of use, flexibility and scalability, customization options, fully integrated sales and marketing capabilities, and comprehensive customer service management features.

6. Can SuperOffice CRM be integrated with other business applications?

SuperOffice CRM can be easily integrated with other business applications using APIs and third-party integrations, such as accounting software, ERP systems, e-commerce platforms, and more. It ensures a seamless and efficient flow of data across all systems.

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